I remember my great grandmother, Lucile Unith Thomas, as a
loving, speak-her-mind woman. I have the
best memories of visiting her in Laporte, IN during baseball season. If we were smart, my family should’ve had
earplugs in tow on those outings. Why? Was she hard of hearing? Nope.
Sunday afternoons in her home was the battle of the baseball teams. She, like me, was a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan. Her second husband, Orville, on the other
hand, was a lifelong Chicago White Sox fan.
Cubs fans and White Sox fans are like oil and water. One would be watching their team on the
television in one room. The other would
be listening to their team on the radio in another. As the games progressed, the volumes on both
the radio and television would continually be turned up to the point where it
was deafening. Each of them trying to
drown out the sound of each other’s beloved team’s game. The sound was bouncing off the wall. When one
of the games was over, you’d be exhausted from just having to sit through it
After grandma passed away, I began to hear stories of her
childhood. She was a girl of privilege,
the daughter of wealthy farmer who was raised as a little princess. I saw pictures of her in the most lavish baby
carriage, in the most stylish clothing....it was wonderful to see these things because
grandma didn’t always have the easiest adulthood. She and my great grandfather,
Glenn David Watts, divorced before their children were grown.
During my genealogy research, I was so warmed to see her
constantly mentioned in the society pages of the local newspapers. Lucile Thomas entertained the members of her Sunday
school class at a party at her home on Monday evening. Lucile Thomas was the
guest at so and so’s parties.
And then, I read it.
The item that must have curled her parents’, Jacob Garver Thomas and Malinda
Hitler’s toes. From The Fort Wayne News
and Sentinel. Marriages. Cromwell, Indiana. June 6, 1918 (typed as written):
“Miss Lucile Thomas, accomplished
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Thomas, and Mr. Glenn Watts of Gary, IN were
united in marriage at Rolling Prairie, IN. Miss Thomas left home Thursday
morning for Rolling Prairie, where she expected to meet Mr. Watts and spend the
day with his people, expecting to return home that evening, so her mother says,
then a telegram arrived her telling of the marriage. Mr. Watts is in the draft and will enlist in
the service in a few days”.
Oh! My sly great
grandparents eloped! Those devils! As I
did some further research, I found out that they had actually married on May
31, 1918 in St. Joseph, MI!
Learning of all this, I smiled to myself a bit thinking how
scandalous this must have been and that my grandma didn’t care her family
thought he was the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. She loved him and she wanted to marry her
soldier before he went off to war.