From the 1600’s until World War I, many of my grandfathers
fought to establish this country or to fight for the freedom of others. I am proud to descend from these men and wish
to honor them on this Memorial Day.
King Philip’s War – June 1675 to April 1678
Stephen Hosmer of Connecticut and Massachusetts
Joseph Richardson of Massachusetts
Blaise Vinton of Massachusetts
French and Indian War – 1754 to 1763
Samuel Colvin of Rhode Island
John Gay of Pennsylvania
Revolutionary War – April 1775 to Sept 1783
Peter Larrance of Virginia
Vincent Tapp of Virginia
Benjamin Sprake/Sprague of Massachusetts
Nicholas Sprake/Sprague of Massachusetts
David Dailey of New York
Thomas Joslin of Rhode Island
Jacob Stotts of Maryland
George Hitler of Pennsylvania
Abraham Vanhise of New Jersey
Peter Livengood of Pennsylvania but enlisted in Virginia
War of 1812 – June 1812 to February 1815
George Parker of Ohio
Benjamin Basye of Virginia
John Sprague of Ohio
Jacob Stotts of Ohio
Griffin Winstead of Virginia
William Winstead of Virginia
Joshua Thomas of Pennsylvania
Civil War - April 1861 to May 1865
David Ludington of Indiana, enlisted in Illinois under his
friend Captain Buell
Joseph Hitler of Ohio
John Mason Lawrence of Virginia
World War I - July 1914 to November 1918
Glen David Watts of Indiana
World War II – September 1939 to September 1945
Especially in my thoughts today is my great uncle, Bob Watts
of Indiana